Review - Bad Habit by Charleigh Rose

2018. január 30., kedd


A TBR Jar Challenge keretein belül elhoztam nektek Charleigh Rose Bad Habit könyvét amely a Bad Love sorozat első része. Legfrissebb információim szerint a következő kötet idén tavasszal érkezik, a sorozatnak biztos helye van a polcomon!

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Bad Habit (Bad Love 1)
Charleigh Rose

I was infatuated with Asher Kelley the moment he came tumbling through my brother’s window five years ago.
Even bruised and bloodied, he was the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen.
We couldn't ever be together.
I was too young, and he was too untouchable.
He was too troubled, and I was too naive.
But the heart is rebellious, and mine decided it didn’t care about any of those things.
As I got older, harmless flirting turned to stolen moments in dark corners.
Until one day, he was gone without a trace.
Now, three years later, he’s back.
Callous and cruel.
He’s my brother’s best friend. My parents’ worst nightmare.
I should hate him.
But like a Bad Habit, I can’t quit him.

I was drawn to Briar Vale from the first time she looked up at me with stars in her big, blue eyes.
She was just a kid, nothing but elbows and knees, but she was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen.
We could never be together.
I was too old and she was too off limits.
She was too good and I was too fucked up.
Eventually, the temptation became too much to resist.
I risked everything for a kiss and she betrayed me.
Three years have passed and I’m forced to see her again, but now she's all grown up.
She’s my best friend’s baby sister. My downfall.
I hate her for what she did.
But she's always been my drug of choice
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Charleigh Rose Bad Habit könyve már a megjelenése óta várólistás volt. A TBR Jar keretein belül végre a listám elejére került és megismerkedhettem kicsit közelebbről is.
Pont erre a történetre volt szükségem, ebben a könyvben minden megvolt. Könnyen olvasható romantikus történet egy csipetnyi erotikával. Ármánykodás, titkok, szerelem, hazugságok és igen még több szerelem.
blake lively photoshoot - Google Search
Briar (forrás)

Bry egy kedves, aranyos, ártatlan lány. Be kell valljam meggondolatlan cselekedete miatt haragudtam rá, mert hát ki adja oda legféltettebb kincsét csupán féltékenységből egy olyan fiúnak akit még csak nem is szeret. Más szemszögből viszont meg is értem, igen a tinédzserek nem éppen a felelősségtudatról vagy megfontoltságukról lennének híresek.

Sasha Erramouspe fényképe.
Asher Kelley (forrás)
Asher egy igazi rosszfiú, vállán az igazságtalan világ súlyával. Viszont mindent amit elért egyedül sikerült neki és lehet hogy nem mindig a megfelelő döntéseket hozta, de ki az aki mindig úgy cselekszik ahogy kellene? Hát senki!

Adrian és Nat igazán jópofa mellékszereplők voltak, remélem a későbbiekben közelebbről is megismerhetjük őket!
Mindenképpen el fogom olvasni a 2. részét, magával ragadott a történet.

My Review in English

Charleigh Rose's book, Bad Habit, has been on the wait-list since its publication. Within the framework of my TBR Jar it finally jumped to the top of my list and I could get to know it better.

This is exactly what I needed, and in this book everything was in its place. It’s an easy-to-read romantic story with a hint of eroticism. Intrigue, secrets, love, lies and yeah more love.

blake lively photoshoot - Google Search
Bry is a nice, cute, innocent girl. Well, I must confess I was angry with her because of her spur-of-the-moment action, since she gave her most precious treasure out of jealousy to such a boy she doesn’t even love. Looking at it from an entirely different perspective, I understand her, since teenagers aren’t exactly known for their responsibility and prudence.

Sasha Erramouspe fényképe.
Asher is a genuine bad guy carrying the weight of the unjust world on his shoulder. However, everything he’s done and accomplished, he did it on his own. He might not always have made the right decisions, but who acts as it should be. Well, nobody.

Adrian and Nat were really cute supporting characters, I hope we’ll soon get to know them more closely.

In any case, Anyhow I’m certainly going to read the second part of the story, because it totally blew me away.

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