Megérkeztem Dani René Fragile Innocence könyvének értékelésével! Crave könyve volt az első amit olvastam, mely világával magával ragadott. Mindenkinek ajánlom!

Innocence is fragile.
I learned from an early age that monsters are real.
They don’t lurk beneath the bed, instead, they hide in plain sight.
I spent two years in hell. Then I ran.
I escaped the monster to find two princes.
They eased my pain, healed my wounds, and stole my heart.
Although, monsters never die quite that easy. No.
Mine returned to haunt me the moment I felt safe.
And that’s when the fairytale ended.
Can I save what little of myself I have left?
Or will the monster take that too?
This is a dark ménage romance which has scenes that may upset some readers. Includes MMF and MFM scene. Due to scenes of an adult nature, this book is for 18+ ONLY.
Sötétség. Félelem. Pánik. Bizalom. Szerelem.
Ez a történet merőben más volt mint amit megszoktam Dani-tól, de nagyon tetszett. A bevezetéstől a karakterekig minden tökéletes volt.
Ellát fogva tartja sötét múltja de Bennett és Carter igyekeznem elűzni annak árnyait. Életét szerelemmel, gyengédséggel és törődéssel töltik meg. Érdekes hogy időközben mennyire átalakulnak az érzelmeik, tapintható hogy az akarat és a vágy mikor változik szerelemmé.
Ella egyébként egy kedves, vicces és jószívű nő, azonban ártatlanságát túl korán elrabolták tőle. Elképzelni sem tudom milyen szörnyű lehetett számára, viszont örülök hogy végre biztonságban van és szeretik.
Bennett és Carter két teljesen különböző karakter mégis rengeteg közös vonásuk van. Védelmezőek, birtoklóak. De míg Carter egy dominánsabb férfi, szerintem Bennett sokkal lágyabb nála.
Összességében nagyon élvezhető és fokozottan izgalmas történet volt, ajánlom mindenkinek aki keresi a kiutat a sötétségből és egy különleges kapcsolatban szeretné ezt megtalálni!
This story was very different from what I have already got used to Dani, but I really liked it. Everything was perfect from the introduction to the characters.
Ella is being held captive by the darkness of the past, but Bennett and Carter are trying to dispel its shadows. They fill her life with love, tenderness and care. It is interesting how much their feelings are transformed in the meantime. It was tangible as the will and the desire turn into love.
Anyway Ella is a nice, funny and kind-hearted woman, however, she lost her innocence too soon. I can not imagine how horrible it must have been for her, but I am glad she finally is in safe, and she is loved.
Bennett and Carter are two completely different characters, however, they have a lot in common. They are dominant, but at the same time protective. Carter is more dominant, while Bennett is much more tender-hearted.
Overall, it was a very enjoyable and extremely exciting story. I recommend to everyone who is looking for a way out of the darkness, and who wants to find it in a special relationship.
My Review in English
Darkness. Fear. Panic. Trust. Love
This story was very different from what I have already got used to Dani, but I really liked it. Everything was perfect from the introduction to the characters.
Ella is being held captive by the darkness of the past, but Bennett and Carter are trying to dispel its shadows. They fill her life with love, tenderness and care. It is interesting how much their feelings are transformed in the meantime. It was tangible as the will and the desire turn into love.
Anyway Ella is a nice, funny and kind-hearted woman, however, she lost her innocence too soon. I can not imagine how horrible it must have been for her, but I am glad she finally is in safe, and she is loved.
Bennett and Carter are two completely different characters, however, they have a lot in common. They are dominant, but at the same time protective. Carter is more dominant, while Bennett is much more tender-hearted.
Overall, it was a very enjoyable and extremely exciting story. I recommend to everyone who is looking for a way out of the darkness, and who wants to find it in a special relationship.
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