Ma, egy számomra újonnan megismert írónő Anne Malcom Birds of Paradise könyvéről írtam pár sort. Ez a történet életre kelt, birtokol, összetör.

He collected beautiful things.
Rare things.
Ripped them out of their natural environment and preserved them in all of their dead splendor.
The problem was I wasn't beautiful. I was all of the hideous and ugly realities of the world packaged into one broken human being.
He came to kill me.
That was his business.
He ripped me out of my natural environment, the prison I'd created, and locked me away with all of his beautiful dead things.
I hated him.
I still hate him.
But if I was given the choice and the ability to leave this cage, come back to life, I'd stay dead.
In all of my hideous splendor.
Because my murderer can only possess dead things.
And I can only be possessed by someone more broken and ugly than me.
Genevieve értékelése
Az első könyvem Anne Malcomtól de az hét szentség hogy nem az utolsó. Fogalmam sem volt mire számítsak mivel még volt szerencsém a történeteihez, viszont most már tudom mit hagytam ki.
A Birds of Paradise minden könyörtelenségével és gyűlöletével együtt egy fenomenális történet.
Egy törékeny, kegyetlen világ.
Egy nő, egy házasság, egy gyilkos.
Mit jelent halottnak lenni? Elizabeth jóval a halála előtt halottként tengette napjait. Nem használhatom azt a szót hogy élt mert saját ketrecében sorvadt. Aztán végre eljött érte, de még annak sem kellett mert méltatlannak találta a halálra. Miért? Mert ahhoz hogy meghalj először élned kell. Tehát Elizabeth élj hogy meghalhass.
It is my first book from Anne Malcom, but I'm sure not the last one. I had no idea what to expect because I haven't had the pleasure for her stories, but now I know what I missed.
The Birds of Paradise is a phenomenal story with all the ruthlessness and hatred.
A fragile, cruel world.
A woman, a marriage, a murderer.
What does it mean to be dead? Long before Elizabeth died, she lived out her days like a dead. I can not use the word ”lived” because she was ruining herself in her own cage.
Then death has come to her, but it didn’t want her, because it found her unworthy for death. Why? Because to die, you have got to be alive first! So Elizabeth, live to die.
Genevieve Review in English
It is my first book from Anne Malcom, but I'm sure not the last one. I had no idea what to expect because I haven't had the pleasure for her stories, but now I know what I missed.
The Birds of Paradise is a phenomenal story with all the ruthlessness and hatred.
A fragile, cruel world.
A woman, a marriage, a murderer.
What does it mean to be dead? Long before Elizabeth died, she lived out her days like a dead. I can not use the word ”lived” because she was ruining herself in her own cage.
Then death has come to her, but it didn’t want her, because it found her unworthy for death. Why? Because to die, you have got to be alive first! So Elizabeth, live to die.
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