ARC Review+Release Blitz | Dirty Halo by Julie Johnson

2019. február 5., kedd

Title: Dirty Halo
Series: The Forbidden Royals Trilogy, Book #1
Author: Julie Johnson
Genre: New Adult/Royal Romance 
Release Date: February 4, 2019


Emilia Lancaster is the royal family’s dirty little secret. 

Born the illegitimate daughter of a duke, for twenty years she’s lived as a commoner… despite the regal blood running through her veins. But when the entire royal family is killed in a deadly attack, the line of succession swiftly changes course. With her ailing father appointed king and no legitimate heirs in sight, Emilia is pulled from the shadows and thrust into a destiny she never wanted.

If this were a fairy tale, the palace would be paradise. In reality, with a father she barely knows on the throne, a deadly assassin still on the loose, and enemies around every gilded corridor corner — the callous, captivating Lord Carter Thorne chief among them — it feels more like a prison to Emilia. One filled with unattainable expectations, unfamiliar customs, and undesirable suitors. 

They want her to behave like a good little girl. 
They want her to put on her glittering crown and keep her mouth shut. 

They’re about to be disappointed. 

She may have agreed to be their princess… 
But she’s no one’s puppet. 

DIRTY HALO is a royal romance about an ordinary girl who inherits an extraordinary legacy. Filled with forbidden love, murderous plots, and machiavellian intrigue, it is recommended for mature readers only. It is the first book in the FORBIDDEN ROYALS TRILOGY.

The story is set in the present time, and we can read it from Emilia's point of view. I have to say this is a perfect introduction of the trilogy. We get to know Emilia's past and origin. It has been slow to start; in the beginning it was difficult to read, I didn't understand what the writer wanted to get out of it. We get a little insight into the dark sides of the royal origin and its dangers. They're under greatly threat because of their bloodline as the example shows. It is interesting that such a person cannot be herself, they cannot see their emotions; just an empty vessel. I agree with Carter; fuck them off.

I could easily identify with the protagonist because we are men of a similar temperament. However, I understood that she had no choice after crossing the gates of the estate. A tragedy and death had to occur in order to be important to her father. On the other hand, her mother's decision is understandable.

We get to know a number of other actors, including Linus, Emilia's father, Octavia, Linus's wife and her children Chloe and Carter. Yeah, Carter. He was an asshole at the beginning, but I found myself liking him. The chemistry between Emilia and him is undeniable; while she is struggling against Carter, he would like to give himself over to her. Due to their origin, their chances are very little. Why? The Crown Princess and her stepbrother? Journalists would be interested to see it, not to mention the society. But I ask you? Who cares? Society doesn't care, if you're happy or not. But, of course, this is my personal opinion.

Can you meet the expectations? What would you do if your life changed from one minute to the next? A glass of champagne and the outcome of events will be inevitable. But are you ready?

Dirty Halo raises a number of questions that I hope everything will be explained in the sequels. Forbidden love, protocol, danger. Your life will change in the blink of a second.


A történetet jelen időben, Emilia szemszögéből olvashatjuk. Azt kell mondanom ez egy tökéletes bevezetése a trilógiának. Megismerjük az alapokat, Emilia múltját, származását.  Lassan indult be, az elejét nagyon nehezen olvastam, nem értettem mit szeretne az írónő kihozni belőle. Betekintést kapunk a királyi származás árnyoldalába, veszélyeibe. Vérvonaluk által sokkal több és nagyobb mértékű veszély fenyegeti őket, mint azt a példa is mutatja. Érdekes hogy egy ilyen személy nem lehet önmaga, nem láthatják az érzelmeit, csak egy üres porhüvely. Ebben is Carterrel értek egyet, basszák meg. 
Könnyen tudtam azonosulni a főszereplővel, mivel hasonló temperamentumúak vagyunk. Azonban én megértettem onnantól kezdve hogy átlépte a birtok kapuit, nem volt választása.  Egy tragédia és halál kellett ahhoz hogy 'fontos' legyen saját édesapja számára. Más részről viszont édesanyja döntése is érthető. 
Több mellékszereplőt is megismerhetünk, köztük Linus-t Emilia édesapját, Octavia-t aki Linus felesége és gyermekeit Chloe és Carter. Na igen, Carter. Amekkora seggfej az elején annyira kedveltem meg. Emilia és közte tagadhatatlan a vonzalom, míg a lány küzd ellene Carter szeretné átadni magát neki.  Azonban származásuknak köszönhetően esélyeik igen csekélyek. Miért? A korona hercegnő és a mostohatestvére? Na arra lennének csak vevők az újságírók, a társadalomról nem is beszélve. De kérdem én? Kit érdekel? A társadalmat nem érdekli te boldog vagy-e vagy sem. De persze ez csak az én egyéni véleményem.

Te meg tudnál felelni az elvárásoknak? Mit tennél ha az életed egyik percről a másikra megváltozna? Egy pohár pezsgő és az események kimenetele elkerülhetetlen lesz. De vajon készen állsz?

A Dirty Halo rengeteg kérdést vet fel, amire remélem a folytatásokban magyarázatot kapunk. Tiltott szerelem, protokoll, veszély. Az életed egy másodperc leforgása alatt megváltozik.



JULIE JOHNSON is a twenty-something Boston native suffering from an extreme case of Peter Pan Syndrome. When she's not writing, Julie can most often be found adding stamps to her passport, drinking too much coffee, striving to conquer her Netflix queue, and Instagramming pictures of her dog. (Follow her: @author_julie) 

She published her debut novel LIKE GRAVITY in August 2013, just before her senior year of college, and she's never looked back. Since, she has published more than a dozen novels including the bestselling BOSTON LOVE STORY series and THE GIRL DUET. Her books have appeared on Kindle and iTunes Bestseller lists around the world, as well as in AdWeek, Publishers Weekly, and USA Today.

You can find Julie on Facebook or contact her on her website Sometimes, when she can figure out how Twitter works, she tweets from @AuthorJulie. For major book news and updates, subscribe to Julie's newsletter: 



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