#ARCReview + Release | Torrid Throne by Julie Johnson

2019. március 25., hétfő

♛ TORRID THRONE is now live on all platforms! ♛

"The Princess Diaries meets Game of thrones in this bold, engrossing new royal romance full of passion and palace intrigue..."






"It is not often that the second book in a trilogy is better than the first, but this is the case with Julie Johnson’s Torrid Throne. Sometimes second books can be fillers and setups for the final book in a series; this book however, not only expanded on the first great story, but really flourished into an intense, riveting look at a girl becoming a woman before becoming a queen."

"This tale grabs hold, twists and turns, and does not let go! There's heart & soul, loyalty & betrayal, heat & chill, angst, strength, heartbreak….. EVERYTHING that makes a 5 star read. Perfect follow up to Dirty Halo and definitely leaves you on the edge of your seat waiting for Sordid Empire."


Two months ago, Emilia Lancaster was a regular girl with a regular life.

Now, through a cruel twist of fate, she finds herself living in a castle with a crown on her head, the sole heir to the Germanian throne. 

Between the charity balls, press events, and royal obligations, Emilia’s days are suddenly full of unfamiliar responsibilities. And with a series of new suitors vying for her attention — not to mention Carter Thorne, the one man she can never have, sleeping one suite away — her nights aren’t much simpler to navigate. 

One thing is certain: Emilia’s heart is in undeniable danger. But as enemies of the crown circle ever-closer… her life may be in jeopardy as well… 

TORRID THRONE is a royal romance about an ordinary girl who inherits an extraordinary legacy. Filled with forbidden love, murderous plots, and machiavellian intrigue, it is recommended for mature readers only. It is the second book in the FORBIDDEN ROYALS TRILOGY.


The Forbidden Royals Trilogy continues. Emilia is looking forward to new difficulties. Easy to read the story. It testifies about my reading time. In this section we could have a deeper insight into the life of the kingdom, and the dangers of the reign. The story is accompanied by tension, fear and desire.
In this section Emilia suffers from several injuries emotionally and physically. Her attraction to Carter is undeniable, but she tries to fight against this. She has to face the challenge. Among these there are some that she enjoys, and some that she doesn't. It's hard to find herself in this new world.

I would love to read more... but the pages were run out. It was a very entertaining story. I've got some new fav characters, such as Galizia and Chloe. I didn't like the latter in the previous section so much.

The END! It was awesome. I hope to read the next part soon.

A story, which captivates you, crushes you and then strengthens you again. Congratulations Julie, you created a gigantic story.


Folytatódik a The Forbidden Royals Trilógia, Emilia újabb nehézségek elé néz. A történet olvastatja magát, ami az olvasási időmön is látszik. Ebben a részben mélyebben is betekinthettünk egy királyság életébe, és az uralkodással járó veszélyekbe is. Feszültség, félelem és vágy kíséri végig.
Emiliát ebben a részben több sérülés is éri, mint lelkileg mint testileg. Vonzódása Carter-hez tagadhatatlan, bár ő még mindig erősen küzd ellene. Rengeteg megpróbáltatással kell szembe néznie. Van amelyet élvez, van amelyet kevésbé. Nehezen talál magára ebben az új világban. 
Kétségbeesetten akartam volna tovább olvasni, de sajnos elfogytak a lapok... Nagyon szórakoztató volt. Mert hát mi más célja lenne, mint hogy szórakoztasson és ezt tökéletesen elérte. 
Több új kedvenc szereplőm is lett, mint például Galizia és Chloe. Utóbbit az előző részben nem kedveltem annyira. 

Na és a VÉGE!!!! Nagyon ütősre sikerült!!! Remélem mihamarabb olvashatom a következő részt!

Egy történet mely magához láncol, összetör majd újra megerősít. Gratulálok Julie, hatalmasat alkottál.




JULIE JOHNSON is a twenty-seven-year-old Boston native and USA Today bestselling author of more than a dozen contemporary romance novels. When she's not writing, Julie can most often be found adding stamps to her passport, drinking too much coffee, striving to conquer her Netflix queue, and Instagramming pictures of her dog. (Follow her: @author_julie) 
She published her debut novel LIKE GRAVITY in August 2013, just before her senior year of college, and she's never looked back. Since, she has published more than a dozen other novels, including the bestselling BOSTON LOVE STORY series, THE GIRL DUET, and the highly anticipated FORBIDDEN ROYALS TRILOGY, arriving in early 2019. Her books have appeared on Kindle and iTunes Bestseller lists around the world, as well as in AdWeek, Publishers Weekly, and USA Today.
You can find Julie on Facebook or contact her on her website www.juliejohnsonbooks.com. Sometimes, when she can figure out how Twitter works, she tweets from @AuthorJulie. For major book news and updates, subscribe to Julie's newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bnWtHH

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