Boys That Read by Betti Rosewood
Series: Lords of WildWood Book 2

He's wicked smart. Filthy rich. Plus drop dead gorgeous. And he's never been more off-limits.
Estella Hawthorne might have been the homecoming queen last year, but everything changed this year at Wildwood Academy.
I watched her fall from the glamorous mean girl everyone loved to hate, to the broken little girl I used to know. Things have really gone wrong for my former best friend.
I'm having my best year ever. Everybody at Wildwood knows my name, and I finally stepped out of my brother's shadow. Milo Earnshaw. Chess master. Washboard abs. Picky, because I can be.
I've got students and teachers eating out of the palm of my hand. The school's most popular girl wants to be with me. I got in to my dream college. I've got it made.
Except I've never felt more empty inside.
Estella is a part of my life I promised myself I'd never revisit. Too many dirty secrets.
Besides, I'm not crushing on her anymore. I got over my Estella-fueled-fantasy in grade school. Now, I just feel sorry for her.
But there's more to Miss B*tch than meets the eye. I know the real story behind her pretty face. I know her deepest, darkest secrets. And I promised I'd carry them with me until the day I died.
Now, I know she needs me more than ever. Not just as her best friend, or the boy who kissed her tears away when we were younger.
She needs me to make things right, and I owe it to our friendship to give us one last shot before it's too late.
There's just one person standing in the way.
Her boyfriend...
My brother.
Second in a series of interconnected high school romances. This is a new adult romance with a boyfriend's brother, mean girl/geek, forbidden relationship.
Betti totally surprised me and hell yes, I love Estella! Of course, I love these two too.
We can read this story from Milo & Estella's POV. We had met some complications but I think it's all settled too fast. I wanted to feel what they feel. I wanted to fell the pain, despair, not only happiness.
Estella, so as you know I really hate her in the first book. Now, I like her. She's insecure but strong. She has a pretty soul. Everything she does for has a reason. Her family, especially her father. He is totally insane. She fought her demons and she wins. I'm totally proud of her. She wants to be better and she will be better.
Milo is a handsome, lovely boy. He fought in the beginning but I felt he simply resigned some of the things. He didn't try after a while. I understand he has got all the reason but he would have been honest from the beginning this happens otherwise.
I'm really happy to know more about Pandora's lost. I'm curious about her and I think we will be able to figure out the next part of the series and I can't wait the next story.
Genevieve's review in Hungarian
A Boys That Read a Lords of WildWood sorozat második kötete, önállóan könyvként is olvasható.
Betti teljesen meglepett és a pokolba is szerettem Estellát! Mindkettőjüket megkedveltem.
A történetet Milo és Estella szemszögéből olvashatjuk. A cselekmény során találkozunk néhány csavarral, de ezek szerintem túl gyorsan zajlottak le. Érezni akartam amit ők is. Érezni akartam a fájdalmukat, a kétségbeesést és nem csak a boldogságukat.
Mint tudjátok Estellát nagyon utáltam az első könyvben, most azonban sikerült megkedveltem. Ő egy bizonytalan de nagyon erős karakter. Csodálatos lelke van. Oka van annak amit tett. A családja, főleg az édesapja, totál őrült. Estella harcol a démonaival és nyer. Nagyon büszke vagyok rá. Jobb akar lenni és jobb is lesz.
Milo egy jóképű, szerethető fiú. Kezdetben rengeteget harcol, de egy idő után olyan mintha egyszerűen csak beletörődne a dolgokba. Egy idő után már nem próbálkozik. Megértem hogy minden oka megvolt, de ha már az elején őszinte lett volna sok minden máshogy történik.
Örülök hogy többet tudhattam meg Pandora eltűnéséről. Nagyon kíváncsi vagyok rá és azt hiszem hogy a következő történetben még többet megtudhatunk róla. Alig várom hogy olvashassam Andromeda és Natan történetét.
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