A Hurt So Sweet: Volume 1 by Betti Rosewood
Series: An Elite of Eden Falls Prep

If you can't beat the rich boys...
F*ck them.
Lily Anna Oakes and I share everything.
We have the same billion-dollar name, the same designer clothes, and the same messed up problems.
But Lily Anna and I will never meet. She died years ago.
This town broke her. I’ll burn it to the ground before I let that happen to me.
In Eden Falls, I’m forced to attend a school for the elite. The Firstborns own this place and they think they own me, too. It’s not long before Dexter, Caspian, Lai, and Julian become the bane of my existence.
There are only two people I’m afraid of – my strict father, and my malevolent fiancé. Unfortunately for me, my husband-to-be is one of the Firstborns ruining my life.
Dexter Booth and I will marry on my birthday to secure our families’ bond.
Every woman in this damn town wants to be Dexter’s toy. Except me.
Dex and his Eden Falls Prep cronies have forced me to give up my body. I know my betrothed wants my mind next.
I play along… But soon, I’ll leave the beautiful jerk behind without the thing he wants most from me.
His heir.
I cannot tell you how much I’ve waited for AHSS. I absolutely loved her books that she'd written earlier under the name Fawn Bailey. I missed her dark and taboo stories. I read the whole book in a few hours!
We can read the story in present time from Lily Anna’s POV rather than Dexter's. Dexter's POV is what you expect more than anything. I have a lot of questions. Obviously you must have a BIG QUESTION, but I’m not going to ask that! I have a theory and if you would love to talk about it write a msg me ;) I don't bite.
AHSS is like a drug, you want the next dose, and it will never enough for you. It plays a cruel game with your mind. You’re so helpless, you cheer, yell, rejoice, and then you just stare, staring open-mouthed. But damn it's not gonna happen what you expect; it was completely unpredictable! At first, it plays with your senses, she makes you think that you must hate him. She fools into the deluded fantasy and then it precipitates into the abyss. The most perplexing thing is that, however, you want to be there at the bottom, you want to jump together with the protagonist. You completely experience what she went through.
Lily Anna is a completely different protagonist than I've read so far. She finds herself in impossible situations all the time, and yet she tries to stay strong all the time. After a while, she seems to be waiting for the penalty she deserves. A little sick, but in a good way.
Dexter, I don't know where to put him at all. I hate him, I love him. I would love to kick his ass. I can feel that there’s something under the surface that goes beyond the revenge. Frankly, he is a damn annoying character, but the kind that gets in and it clings to the rear corner of your brain.
That would be my opinion of the end! WTF? Seriously Betti? When will I get my next dose?
Genevieve review in Hungarian
A történetet jelen időben, inkább Lily Anna mint Dexter szemszögéből olvashatjuk. Dexter nézőpontja az azonban amelyiket mindennél jobban várod. Rengeteg kérdés merül fel. Nyilván nektek is van egy hatalmas KÉRDÉSETEK. De nem fogom most feltenni, ha azonban szeretnéd megbeszélni a teóriádat nyugodtan írj rám ;) Nem harapok xD
Ez a könyv olyan mint a drog, kéred a következő adagot, és soha nem lesz elég amit kapsz. Kegyetlen játékot játszik az elméddel. Annyira tehetetlen vagy, szurkolsz, kiabálsz, örvendezel aztán csak ámulsz- bámulsz tátott szájjal. De rohadtul nem az fog történni amit vársz, teljesen kiszámíthatatlan! Játszik az érzékeiddel, először elhiteti hogy utálnod kell, aztán csalfa ábrándokba ringat hogy később ismét letaszítson a szakadék mélyére. A legmeghökkentőbb azonban az hogy te ott akarsz lenni a szakadék mélyén, a főszereplővel együtt ugorni akarsz, totálisan átéled amit ő és ettől teljesen kétségbeesett leszel.
Lily Anna, ő egy teljesen más főszereplő mint akikről eddig olvastam. Állandóan lehetetlen helyzetekbe kerül és ő mégis mindvégig megpróbál erős maradni. Egy idő után pedig mintha már várná a megérdemelt büntetést. Egy kicsit beteg, de jó értelemben.
Dextert egyáltalán nem tudom hova rakni. Utálom, szeretem, a földbe döngölném. Érezhető hogy valami lapul a felszín alatt amely túlmutat a bosszún. Őszintén szólva rohadtul idegesítő karakter, de az a fajta amely befészkeli magát és mindig ott motoszkál az agyad hátsó zugában.
A végéről pedig ennyi lenne a véleményem! WTF?! Komolyan Betti??? Mikor is kapom a következő adagot?
Taking the steps leading up to Oakes Estate is making me quiver in my studded boots.
But I’ll never show my family how scared I am.
It’s been four years since I’ve seen my biological father. Four years since he and my stepmother shipped me off to a boarding school, just hours after meeting me for the very first time.
Now, I’m back – armed with the knowledge of etiquette, having learned two foreign languages, and having spent day after day buried between the pages of books. Now, I’ve finally been deemed ready to be introduced to their high society.
The driver who brought me from the airport appears by my side, giving me an encouraging smile. “Excited to see your family again, Miss Lily Anna?”
I’m desperate to interrupt. Tell him to use my real name, Pandora. But I fight the urge to correct him.
“About as excited as they seem to be,” I mutter in response.
He laughs, then coughs to cover it up. Of course, he isn’t allowed to think badly of my real family, just like I’m not. They’re practically royalty in this town.
“I’ll walk you in,” the driver, Kelley, offers, and I give him a curt nod, falling into step beside him.
There’s nobody waiting outside for me. You’d think my new family would be excited for the prodigal daughter to return, but Oakes Estate looms before me, silent, and majestic.
I step inside the impressive mansion that carries my real last name, trembling all over. The staff has gathered in the marble hall – over fifteen people who seem to be more interested in their shoes than getting a good look at the heiress of their workplace.
I look at them one by one. They’re all wearing the same uniforms – men in black and white, and the women in white and sky blue. Their faces are hard, rigid. All except for one girl – tall, willowy and incredibly beautiful. I’m mesmerized by her, but before I can inspect her further, a figure appears at the top of the stairwell, staring at me critically.
My father commands attention. Even I can’t deny that.
He’s tall, handsome and everything about him screams money .
Now, he stares down at me, his gaze filled with cool curiosity as he bellows, “Welcome home, daughter.”
I bow my head in respect just as I’ve been taught as he descends the impressive staircase. He doesn’t offer me a hug, or a smile. He just inspects me without mercy, as if I’m there for a job interview.
“You will find a few new items in your chambers. The help will have to take you shopping one of these days too, so you can fit in better. Your old clothes were…” He smirks. “Not appropriate.”
“Thanks,” I grit out. “And when do I get to see the rest of my… family again?”
“Your brother and sister are out,” Father says. “And your stepmother is… visiting a dear friend.”
“Of course,” I scoff.
I’m sure a dear friend is so much more important than me coming home. And I’m also sure it’s code for her plastic surgeon.
Father narrows his eyes at me. Great . I’ve been here five minutes and I’ve already managed to piss him off.
Such a warm welcome from the Oakes family, I think bitterly. After years of being away, this is how they treat me?
“Belle will show you to your room,” my father continues, gesturing to a tall blonde woman standing by the girl I’d admired earlier.
They look so alike I can’t help but think they must be related – mother and daughter, perhaps?
“Thank you,” I reply sans emotion, staring at the ground.
“Oh, something else, daughter.” He pauses, and I can feel how displeased he is with me already. “Could you pay attention?”
I don’t even want to look at him. I’m too nervous to hold his gaze. I barely know this man, despite being his biological daughter. And even though his ‘welcome back’ greeting is cool and collected, I can’t help but hope he’ll warm to me. Regard me with more interest, and perhaps, someday, even love me like a father should.
“Yes?” I manage to get out, raising my eyes to his. “How can I be of service, father dearest?”
Again, displeasure flashes across his face.
I search his features for familiarities and am disappointed when I find some. We look alike. I am Emilian Oakes’ daughter – not that there was any doubt of it before. Not after the DNA test he made me take.
“There will be new rules now that you’re in Eden Falls,” he explains. “There is a notebook explaining a few of them in your room.”
“Great.” I fight the urge to roll my eyes. “Can’t wait.”
“I will see you tonight at dinner, daughter,” my father continues. “It’s served at seven p.m. sharp. Do not be late.”
His words don’t leave any room for arguments, and I nod wordlessly as he takes a step closer to me. He regards me yet again, his eyes scrutinizing my appearance. Despite the graying hair at his temple and the hint of silver in his beard, my father is a very good-looking man.
“I was hoping to speak to Tatianna and Brazen before I start school next week.” I fidget with the hem of my dress.
“They will be at dinner. And daughter… I sent you to that boarding school to learn some manners.” He glares at me. “Please don’t tell me I wasted my money.”
“Of course not,” I smile icily.
I know exactly how he wants me to behave but refuse to give him the pleasure of doing as he says.
“I want you to know,” he goes on calmly. “There are consequences for girls who don’t follow the rules. Bad, bad consequences.”
Taking the steps leading up to Oakes Estate is making me quiver in my studded boots.
But I’ll never show my family how scared I am.
It’s been four years since I’ve seen my biological father. Four years since he and my stepmother shipped me off to a boarding school, just hours after meeting me for the very first time.
Now, I’m back – armed with the knowledge of etiquette, having learned two foreign languages, and having spent day after day buried between the pages of books. Now, I’ve finally been deemed ready to be introduced to their high society.
The driver who brought me from the airport appears by my side, giving me an encouraging smile. “Excited to see your family again, Miss Lily Anna?”
I’m desperate to interrupt. Tell him to use my real name, Pandora. But I fight the urge to correct him.
“About as excited as they seem to be,” I mutter in response.
He laughs, then coughs to cover it up. Of course, he isn’t allowed to think badly of my real family, just like I’m not. They’re practically royalty in this town.
“I’ll walk you in,” the driver, Kelley, offers, and I give him a curt nod, falling into step beside him.
There’s nobody waiting outside for me. You’d think my new family would be excited for the prodigal daughter to return, but Oakes Estate looms before me, silent, and majestic.
I step inside the impressive mansion that carries my real last name, trembling all over. The staff has gathered in the marble hall – over fifteen people who seem to be more interested in their shoes than getting a good look at the heiress of their workplace.
I look at them one by one. They’re all wearing the same uniforms – men in black and white, and the women in white and sky blue. Their faces are hard, rigid. All except for one girl – tall, willowy and incredibly beautiful. I’m mesmerized by her, but before I can inspect her further, a figure appears at the top of the stairwell, staring at me critically.
My father commands attention. Even I can’t deny that.
He’s tall, handsome and everything about him screams money .
Now, he stares down at me, his gaze filled with cool curiosity as he bellows, “Welcome home, daughter.”
I bow my head in respect just as I’ve been taught as he descends the impressive staircase. He doesn’t offer me a hug, or a smile. He just inspects me without mercy, as if I’m there for a job interview.
“You will find a few new items in your chambers. The help will have to take you shopping one of these days too, so you can fit in better. Your old clothes were…” He smirks. “Not appropriate.”
“Thanks,” I grit out. “And when do I get to see the rest of my… family again?”
“Your brother and sister are out,” Father says. “And your stepmother is… visiting a dear friend.”
“Of course,” I scoff.
I’m sure a dear friend is so much more important than me coming home. And I’m also sure it’s code for her plastic surgeon.
Father narrows his eyes at me. Great . I’ve been here five minutes and I’ve already managed to piss him off.
Such a warm welcome from the Oakes family, I think bitterly. After years of being away, this is how they treat me?
“Belle will show you to your room,” my father continues, gesturing to a tall blonde woman standing by the girl I’d admired earlier.
They look so alike I can’t help but think they must be related – mother and daughter, perhaps?
“Thank you,” I reply sans emotion, staring at the ground.
“Oh, something else, daughter.” He pauses, and I can feel how displeased he is with me already. “Could you pay attention?”
I don’t even want to look at him. I’m too nervous to hold his gaze. I barely know this man, despite being his biological daughter. And even though his ‘welcome back’ greeting is cool and collected, I can’t help but hope he’ll warm to me. Regard me with more interest, and perhaps, someday, even love me like a father should.
“Yes?” I manage to get out, raising my eyes to his. “How can I be of service, father dearest?”
Again, displeasure flashes across his face.
I search his features for familiarities and am disappointed when I find some. We look alike. I am Emilian Oakes’ daughter – not that there was any doubt of it before. Not after the DNA test he made me take.
“There will be new rules now that you’re in Eden Falls,” he explains. “There is a notebook explaining a few of them in your room.”
“Great.” I fight the urge to roll my eyes. “Can’t wait.”
“I will see you tonight at dinner, daughter,” my father continues. “It’s served at seven p.m. sharp. Do not be late.”
His words don’t leave any room for arguments, and I nod wordlessly as he takes a step closer to me. He regards me yet again, his eyes scrutinizing my appearance. Despite the graying hair at his temple and the hint of silver in his beard, my father is a very good-looking man.
“I was hoping to speak to Tatianna and Brazen before I start school next week.” I fidget with the hem of my dress.
“They will be at dinner. And daughter… I sent you to that boarding school to learn some manners.” He glares at me. “Please don’t tell me I wasted my money.”
“Of course not,” I smile icily.
I know exactly how he wants me to behave but refuse to give him the pleasure of doing as he says.
“I want you to know,” he goes on calmly. “There are consequences for girls who don’t follow the rules. Bad, bad consequences.”
© Betti Rosewood
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