In Peace Lies Havoc by Amo Jones
Standalone in Midnight Mayhem Series
Series: Midnight Mayhem Book I

My name is Dove Hendry.
Mine is Kingston Axton.
I was captured by darkness.
She has always been ours…
They groomed me for Midnight Mayhem. Like a trained possession, weak against their control.
She has been conditioned with our blood for years. She just doesn’t know it yet…
But Midnight Mayhem was the stained glass that concealed a very dark culture.
A culture that she is about to become the center of.
The Brothers of Kiznitch come in fours, and they’re not happy about me being hustled into their acts.
Or are we? Careful, Little Bird. A warning is a warning for a reason…
But there’s something uglier that has been haunting me for years upon years. So ugly that I have never seen its face. I never had to. I’d hear his whispers through my internal screams, feel his shadow brush against my nightmares. He was my the monster that tormented me.
And maybe lived under your bed…
When I started Midnight Mayhem, his presence faded.
His whispers were silenced.
His shadow dissolving without a trace.
I wondered why that was.
She didn’t have to wonder for long…
The BEST EVER from my Queen. I thought I was ready but no one is ready for this! If you start this book you will not put it down! This world is so MAGICAL and CAPTIVATED. I finished the reading days before but I still can't get it out of my head. It's all there in the corner of my brain. This story darker than The Elite Kings Club, I love those boys too. But the Brothers of Kiznitch, it's hard to say how I feel. I lose.
Just one question! Can I have to live in Midnight Mayhem? Yeah, I know. I'm sick a little a bit, but who cares about this? I entered a whole new world and I don't want to leave it. This world makes me insane, I become ADDICTED.
The plot is UNCONSCIOUS. The characters are SCARY PERFECT. Ohh, Dove and Kingston are PHENOMENAL. These two are robbed of my heart. They are attracted to each other.
Dove was a young girl who has got a lot of loses, but she becomes a strong woman. She doesn't talk so much, a little bit like me. I really like her.
The Brothers of Kiznich especially for Kingston. He is a dangerous character. DANGEROUS because he kidnapped my heart and never give it back. And honestly? I'm not asking back.
A part that remained perfectly left in my head, this is the part what shared Amo earlier. "Touch King", this part will blow your mind! The entire story will blow your mind!!!
You have to read In Peace Lies Havoc because it's absolutely AMAZING.
P.S: Bae, please don't ever stop writing. You were born to write.

Genevieve's review in Hungarian
A LEGESLEGJOBB könyv Amotól. Azt hittem készen állok rá, de senki nem áll készen! Készülj fel hogyha a kezedbe veszed, nem tudod majd letenni. Ez a világ MÁGIKUS, FOGVA TART. Napokkal ezelőtt végeztem a történettel mégsem tudom kiverni a fejemből. Állandóan ott motoszkál az agyam legeldugodtabb részében. Ez a történet sötétebb az Elite Kings Clubnál (ugyan őket is nagyon szeretem) de a Kiznitch testvériség :O. Nagyon nehéz elmondani hogy mit érzek most. Elvesztem.
Csak EGY kérdés! Élhetnék én is Midnight Mayhemben? Igen, tudom. Egy kicsit beteg vagyok, de kit érdekel? Beléptem egy teljesen új világba és nem akarok kilépni belőle. Teljesen megőrjít, FÜGGŐVÉ TESZ.
A cselekmény ESZMÉLETLEN. A karakterek IJESZTŐEN TÖKÉLETESEK. Dove és Kingston FENOMENÁLIS. Elrabolták a szívemet.
Dove egy fiatal lány akit rengeteg veszteség ért mégis egy erős nő lett belőle. Igazán hallgatag, kicsit rám hasonlít. Nagyon megkedveltem.
A Kiznitch testvériség, főképp Kingston. Ő egy nagyon veszélyes karakter. Veszélyes mert elrabolta a szívem és nem hajlandó visszaadni. De őszintén? Nem is akarom visszakapni.
El kell olvasnod, mert ez a történet ELKÉPESZTŐ.
U.I.: Amo, kérlek SOHA ne hagyd abba az írást! Te erre születtél!

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