Release Blitz + ARC Review - Letting Go by Ash Gray

2018. május 8., kedd

Release Blitz

Title: Letting Go - A Real Love Story (Stand Alone)
Author: Ash Gray


Warm sand.
Turquoise water.
Hot man.

Those are the ingredients for the perfect summer romance recipe, right?
Wrong when you're me.

My love life has never been anything to rave about. I've been single for way longer than I'm willing to admit. Which has resulted in me becoming a hermit; and I don't mind it one bit.
My friends and family, on the other hand, don't like the fact that they see me so little because of the way I live my life.

One trip to the heavenly island of Gran Canaria will change my life forever. Usually, I'm not one to throw caution to the wind and let go of my inhibitions, but I did this one time. I gave my trust to someone I barely knew; and me being me, I ignored all the signs and went into this relationship - if you can call it that - heart first, and it got shattered.

If you're nosey and want an insight of the very private life - and sometimes highly embarrassing - love life of a thirty year old woman, dive into this story that is mine.

***No exaggerations were used in this book, sadly for my sanity.***

ARC Review

Ash Gray debuts with her novel Letting Go in front of the public. You can read review and an interview with the authoress. It is interesting that her book is based entirely on a true story.

In the first chapters you can get to know Ash, her family and friends; then she invites us to travel to Gran Canaria, which is her favorite place in the world. Ash is a little reclusive, lonely girl. Her relationship with her brother is enviable, they don't have secrets between them, they can speak frankly about everything, they are not afraid to ask for help and seek advice from each other. Back to the island, where our protagonist meets Luis, who works in a hotel. At first, she is completely blocked from him, but after leaving the island, they remain in touch with each other and a special relationship develops between them. Nevertheless, the man is completely unsympathetic, he is not honest and straight. I think he is a bit violent with lots of excuse. Ash is very positive, she opens up to him and returns for a week only because of him. And from there, things got complicated. Will Luis be able to open up to her? Just gonna have to read it and find out.

In my opinion, this is a very good first novel, a pleasant relaxation with some tiny mistakes.

Buy Links:

Barnes & Nobles: Coming Soon

Ash's Social Media:

About Ash Gray:

Ashley is a thirty-year-old British self-published author from Brighton, where she lives with her little Daschund.

She started writing her upcoming trilogy three years ago but, it’s been put to a stop because her characters left her and went on vacation. They are currently sipping margaritas on a beach and hopefully they’ll come back shortly so she can finish the story she’s excited to bring you. 

She’s an avid reader and traveler. Any excuse is good enough for her to hop on a plane and go soak up the sun that she’s lacking whilst living in Brighton, United Kingdom.

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