Ma egy új, általam megismert írónő Logan Fox Blackbirdjéről írtam :) Fogadjátok sok szeretettel!
I've got something sexy and hot story by Logan Fox. I can't wait her next books.

He's the star performer of their exhibition, he just doesn't know it yet.
Chemistry professor, Jason Lorye, needs a place to heal his broken heart, and Mallhaven University seems the perfect fit.
In his first week, he witnesses so many inexplicable things that he starts investigating the University's past.
When Samantha Smith meets the new chemistry professor, she knows he's perfect for her.
Although he's receptive to her charms, she has no idea what he'd think if he knew about her secret.
Jason soon discovers what's happening in Mallhaven's licentious underbelly.
The truth rocks him to his core, especially when he discovers the woman he's falling for is involved in it.
If Jason leaves, he'll lose Samantha. If he stays, he may lose himself.
Honestly, I expected a lot of things, but it didn’t this. We can read the story from Jason's point of view, who has just moved to Mallhaven and got a job as a professor of chemistry at the local university.
The writer's style is absolutely incredible; I think, it's extraordinarily difficult to write the erotic scenes, but she did an excellent job. The book is filled with a huge sexual charge, so if you are a minor, it is better not to take it in your hands. In our country, it could get their place among the books of Libri or Könyvmolyképző Rázós.
Beyond the erotic scenes, there was another line of the story. A mystery that is hiding in the background, because most of the schoolchildren and teachers had an incredible appetite. However, I don't want to write about this anymore, because I wouldn’t write it without spoiler.
I recommend it to anyone who loves the erotic genre, books filled with sexual desires and mysteries.
Őszintén mondom sok mindenre számítottam, de erre nem. A történetet Jason szemszögéből olvashatjuk, aki most költözött Mallhaven városába és kémia professzorként kapott állást a helyi egyetemen.
Az írónő stílusa eszméletlen, pedig az erotikus jeleneteket szerintem rohadt nehéz megírni, de ő kiváló munkát végzett. A könyv hatalmas szexuális töltéssel rendelkezik ezért ha kiskorú vagy, jobb ha nem veszed kezedbe. Hazánkban a Libri vagy a Könyvmolyképző Rázós könyvei között kaphatna helyet.
Az erotikus jelenteken túl volt egy másik szála a történetnek. Mégpedig a háttérben megbúvó rejtély, mivel az iskolai diákjainak és tanárainak nagy része szinte már-már hihetetlen mértékű étvággyal rendelkeztek. Azonban erről nem is írnék többet mert spoiler mentesen nem menne.
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