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My family’s scandal is my fall from grace. The night of my seventeenth birthday leads to the final event that catapults my future in a different direction. One call for help turns into my only chance of survival.
Now, the only way to stay safe is to keep hidden.
Hidden in a small town in the middle of “No-where”, Minnesota, away from my friends, my prestigious school, and my family, I have to mesh with the other hidden children in order to survive.
Though, it’s not just the Bogeyman that keeps me up at night…
Ciaran Jakobe, with his frosty blue eyes and instant dislike for me sets my nerves on end. There is no escaping his sharp words and constant torment. Every push from him sparks a fire of fight inside me. Every smirk from his full, pink lips makes me want to punch him in the face. He’s my nemesis and my dark hero.
I may be paying for my parent’s mistakes but I won’t let a Midwest Boy get the best of me.
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Holy heck! THIS IS SOOOO AMAZING!!!! A whole new series with an exciting plot and characters!
#MNGirl is the first book of Midwest Boys Series. It can't be read as a standalone with a big cliffy at the end! This is a high school, new adult romance with thriller elements. We can read this story in present time, from Ciaran & Saylor's POV. This is a very exciting and painful story!
I was excited at the whole time. Saylor is a powerful but broken girl who just want to survive. She is a new girl in the town! Ciaran and his frosty blue eyes strongly complicates her situation. The chemistry between us is PERFECT! Ciaran want to hate the girl, but he didn't know! He attracts Saylor like a magnet!
This story is seared your soul! I'm curious about what will be happening in the next part!
Genevieve's in Hungarian
Úristen! Ez a történet egyszerűen fantasztikus. Egy teljesen új sorozat, izgalmas cselekménnyel és karakterekkel.
#MNGirl az első könyv a Midwest Boys sorozatban. Ahhoz hogy a következő részt eltudd majd olvasni, az #MNGirl-t is el kell mivel egy hatalmas függővéggel fejeződik be. Műfajában középiskolai new adult romantikus- thriller elemekkel. Magát a történetet jelen időben, Ciaran & Saylor szemszögéből olvashatjuk. Izgalmas és egyben fájdalmas történet, szóval csak óvatosan!
Annyira izgultam olvasás közben. Saylor egy nagyon erős de törött lány aki csupán túl akarja élni a múltban bekövetkezett tragédiát. Ő az új lány a városban, Ciaran pedig a csodálatot jegeskék szemével merőben megnehezíti a helyzetét. A kémia tökéletesen működik kettejük között, azonban Ciaran mindenáron utálni akarja Saylort. Aha, de egyszerűen képtelen rá. Saylor vonzza mint a mágnes, tehetetlen ellene.
Ez a történet porrá égeti a lelkedet! Annyira kíváncsi vagyok mi fog történni a következő részben!!!
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Enter the release day giveaway here!
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Read the first chapter here!
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It isn’t the screaming or crying that shakes me awake. It isn’t the front door being ripped from its hinges or the shattering of the glass coffee table that she is thrown into. What pulls me from the deep recesses of my dream world is the feeling that I’m suffocating. A pressure across my face yanks me from my sleep, my body jumping in response and my eyes flying open.
“Shhhh!” Mila begs me. It’s her little hand that’s covering my mouth. Tears slip down her cheeks and snot runs from her nose. Her tiny frame is shaking inside the flannel nightgown she loves to wear this time of year.
“They’re in the house. They’re hurting Mom,” her young voice cracks. I can tell a sob is waiting to escape. I’m fully awake now, my body moving in sync with my heartbeats. Blood rushes to my ears while I tiptoe across the floor and carefully move my hand to nudge the door open farther. Mila’s hand snakes out, grabbing my arm painfully, as tears fall faster and faster down her face.
“No!” She mouths in silence, but damn, the words echo loudly in my brain.
“It’s okay,” I whisper, my hand peeling her fingernails from my skin. I push the door open farther, but not far enough for the hinges to groan. Biting my lip, I turn my head and look out.
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AM Brooks is an author with a variety of stories; Contemporary Romance, New Adult, and mature YA Her writing style is suspenseful and sometimes leads to heart-wrenching conclusions. With a background in forensic psychology she really goes for those investigative, dark and twisty feels. And of course, lots of love!
Brooks enjoys reading as much as writing. Television shows such as Criminal Minds, Scandal, and One Tree Hill are her go-to binge worthy series. She loves spending time with her friends and family with a good glass of beer or wine. If she isn’t reading or writing, Brooks is Pinteresting future home projects for her wonderful husband to accomplish.
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