ARCReview + Exlusive Excerpt | Trouble at Brayshaw High by Meagan Brandy.

2019. május 26., vasárnap

A képen a következők lehetnek: egy vagy több ember és szöveg

Trouble at Brayshaw High by Meagan Brandy
Series: Brayshaw High Book 2
Release date: May 28th


“You don’t belong.”

No words whispered in anger have ever rung more true.

They’re the Kings of Brayshaw with the world at their feet, destined for greatness and in need of control. 
I’m the girl from the ghetto with nothing to offer and as defiant as they come. 

They say it doesn’t matter, that I’m one of them now, and nothing could ever change that. Not even me, should I dare try.

But they’re wrong.
They underestimate how far I’ll go to protect them.

Trouble is coming...and they have no idea.

Trouble At Brayshaw High is the the highly anticipated follow up to Boys of Brayshaw High, and should be read only after having read book one. 

Find book one, Boys of Brayshaw High, here:

You have no idea how glad I was when I received the notification about I was selected for an ARC instance. It was the most anticipated book of the month for me and it's not in vain. I just got what I expected. It's an exciting book with crazy plot. It was simply breathtaking, I got goosebumps while reading.
The story can be read from Raven and Maddoc's point of view. I'm glad to know Maddoc's feelings better than in the first book of the series. I really enjoyed.
The plot of the book is well-structured. I liked not knowing what’s gonna happen, so it’s not a cliche at all. More than 100 or 1000 books have been published on similar topics, but this series is completely unique, outstanding of its kind. However, I felt that so many things happened at once. Things have become a little complicated…
After the end of the previous section, I was pissed of, this ENDING! Ah ... I just got a lot of answers for this and more questions. Thanks Meagan. ;)
Raven is still the hard chick she was in the first part, which made me really happy. Despite all this, her character has undergone many developments until the end of book 2.
Maddoc AKA Big Man, he had some manifestations/actions that I did not agree with. However, he also developed a lot and became much more patient. I wouldn't say that he is calmer, but he changed a lot.

In spite of that, he and Royce are still my favorites in the book.
Cap, I like him, but I couldn't place him. I think I need some time and of course another book. ;) I miss them so much!

Secrets. Rivalry. Brotherhood. And of course more secrets. But the question is whether  you are ready.

Dive into the life of Brayshaw High, but be careful. Not everything is as it seems.

Favorite quotes
"-I'm watching you. EVERY. FUCKING. MOVE."

“- You’re creating an empire. -We’re building our fucking kingdom.”

"The ability to swallow me whole. The big bad wolf with claws that stretch from one edge of his city to the next."

"- We weren’t ready for you, Raven Carver.  We weren’t fucking ready.”

"- You don't fuck with a Brayshaw. None of us."

"- Don’t make me wait, baby. I can’t wait.- Take what you need, Big Man.”

- My mind is dark, baby.- And?- And you’re afraid of the dark.”


El sem hiszitek mennyire örültem mikor megkaptam az értesítést arról hogy kiválasztottak egy ARC példányra. A hónap legjobban várt könyve volt számomra, és nem hiába. Pont azt kaptam amit vártam. Egy pörgős cselekményű, izgalmas könyvet. Egyszerűen lélegzetelállító volt, nem egyszer libabőrős lettem olvasás közben.
A történetet Raven és Maddoc szemszögéből olvashatjuk. Örülök hogy jobban megismerhettem Maddoc érzéseit mint a sorozat első könyvében. Nagyon élveztem. 
A könyv cselekménye jól felépített. Tetszett hogy nem tudtam mi fog következni, tehát egyáltalán nem klisés. Lehet hogy több 100 vagy 1000 hasonló témával foglalkozó könyv jelent meg eddig, de ez a sorozat teljesen egyedi, kiemelkedő a maga nemében. Azonban úgy éreztem hogy 1-2 helyen túl sok dolog is történt egyszerre. Kicsit összekuszálódtak a szálak. De valahogy még ez is hozzáadott a történethez, nem pedig elvett belőle. 
Az előző rész vége után kicsit ki voltam akadva, az a BEFEJEZÉS! Áh... Erre most kaptam egy csomó választ és persze meg még több kérdést. Kössz Meagan. ;) 
Raven még mindig az a kemény csaj aki az első részben volt, aminek nagyon örültem. Mindezek ellenére jelleme rengeteg fejlődésen esett át a 2. rész végéig. 
Maddoc AKA Big Man, volt néhány megnyilvánulása amellyel nem értettem egyet. Azonban, ő is rengeteget fejlődött, sokkal türelmesebb lett. Azt nem mondanám hogy teljesen lehiggadt, de azért sokat változott.
Ennek ellenére még mindig ő és Royce a kedvencem a könyvben. 
Cap, őt is kedvelem, de nem tudom hova tenni. Azt hiszem szükségem van még időre, és persze egy újabb könyvre. ;) Annyira hiányoznak!

Titkok. Rivalizálás. Testvériség. És persze még több titok. De a kérdés az, ti készen álltok?

Merülj el a Brayshaw High életében, de vigyázz. Nem minden az aminek látszik!


Copyright © 2019 Meagan Brandy

  I grip the ends of my hair and pull, trying to lessen the pounding at my temples. My body and mind are exhausted, and my head is taking the heat from it. 
  It doesn’t help a damn thing, so I drop onto the bar stool and look to the clock. 
  It’s past three a.m. and still, no sign of Raven. 
  Captain is pacing the fucking house while Royce keeps walking in and out the front door with his arms crossed over his chest.
  I shake my head. Only hours gone, and the three of us are losing our damn minds. This girl, she’s got us all sorts of fucked up.
  She had slipped out front only minutes after coming downstairs, and I was seconds from following her ass, but didn’t. I kept my feet planted and gave her the time I convinced myself she needed to build back the sass or fire she was ready to throw.
  When fifteen minutes ticked by and she still hadn’t walked back in, I knew without looking she took off, pulled a fucking Raven and made a solo decision.
  And a solo decision meant a stupid fucking decision.
  That’s the thing about Raven Carver, she does whatever the hell she wants, makes shitty judgment calls in a snap that you never see coming, and hopes it’ll all work out in the end, fuck the consequences.
  I can’t fucking stand it.
  Her ass has to stop taking off without us when she knows there’s nothing but trouble waiting in the dark. This is something Bass fucking Bishop should have thought about before he asked her to slip away from us and meet him at the warehouses last night where she ended up getting fucking jumped.
  He may be our bookie for all events out at the warehouses and a damn good one at that, but that’s my fucking girl. He should’ve known better.
  I might talk to my brothers about blacklisting his punk ass for that move alone – everyone on hand is replaceable, Raven is not. He should have fucking thought of that.
  The second we realized she ran, we tossed him out, called up our boys, and went searching.
  The problem, Raven’s spent the better part of her life sneaking around others. We knew we’d only find her if she wanted us to. Going to look was more us hoping her ass was walking around to clear her mind.
  Hours ticked by and she was nowhere in sight, so we came home to wait her out while our boys kept looking, hitting random house parties around town in search of her.
  “I still think Bass is hiding something,” Royce spits, tilting his head to look along the porch. “Little bitch is out pretending to hunt for her, he prolly knows exactly where she’s at.”



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