K. Webster írónő Pretty Stole Dolls - Ellopott babácskák könyve pár napja jelent meg hazánkban így őt már valamilyen ismeritek, azonban Dani René sajnos hazánkban még felfedezetlen maradt. Remélem egyszer az ő történeteit is olvashatjuk majd magyarul, na de most fogadjátok sok szeretettel közös könyvüket, mely a Sunshine and the Stalker címet kapta.
Pretty Stole Dolls from author K. Webster appeared in Hungarian a few days ago so surely all of you know, but Dani René, unfortunately, has been remained undiscovered in our country yet. I hope we will read her stories someday in Hungarian, but now give a warm welcome to their common book, which was entitled Sunshine and the Stalker.
Hi everyone!
Pretty Stole Dolls from author K. Webster appeared in Hungarian a few days ago so surely all of you know, but Dani René, unfortunately, has been remained undiscovered in our country yet. I hope we will read her stories someday in Hungarian, but now give a warm welcome to their common book, which was entitled Sunshine and the Stalker.

Dating is difficult for someone like me.
I’m obsessive, arrogant, and rude.
This means I must be creative when bedding a woman.
I learn what I can about her through whatever means necessary.
Some call it stalking. I call it clever research.
It gets me what I want and when I want it.
When I get bored, I move on.
My system works like a charm…
Until a little ray of SUNSHINE shows up.
Dating is nonexistent for me.
I’m quirky, silly, and inexperienced.
This means my romantic life is certainly lacking.
I don’t date because no one’s interested.
Some say I’m an independent woman who doesn’t need a man.
But I know I’m on the fast track to becoming a lonely cat lady.
How many cats are too many cats anyway?
My boring world stays that way…
Until my future stepmother’s STALKER shows up.
Genevieve review in English
I was really happy when I got the chance to read the common book of my two favorite writers of the genre.
Cerys is the special, funny girl meets the famous James Darden in the lobby of her residence. From that moment on, he couldn't get her out of his mind.
In a caveman-style he carries her home to his cave and makes love to her in hundreds of different ways. They both described it in a masterly manner. Darkness fights with itself for light. It's just wonderful when two souls understand each other without words, only with deeds.
P.S. I’d like more!
Genevieve értékelése
Igazán örültem amikor lehetőséget kaptam hogy elolvashassam a műfaj számomra két legkedveltebb írónőjének közös könyvét.
Crys a különleges, már-már bohókás lány találkozik a híres James Darden-nel lakhelyének előcsarnokában. Innentől kezdve a férfi nem bírja kiverni a fejéből. Ősember módjára hazacipeli a barlangjába majd száz és százféle módon teszi magáévá. Ahogy ők ketten leírták az egyszerűen mesteri. A sötétség harcol önmagával a fényért. Egyszerűen csodálatos amikor két lélek szavak nélkül csupán tettekkel megértik egymást.
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